How to write Assamese in Photoshop and any video editing software

  • Post category:assamese

It is a very common problem faced by the people while typing Assamese characters in photo and video editing softwares because of the fact that these softwares do not render the Unicode based Assamese fonts properly. In this blog I am going to show how this can be easily achieved.

Tools Required:

  1. Jahnabi Multilingual Input Tool
  2. Geetanjali TTF (True Type Font)
  3. Lachit Converter (only if you prefer phonetic typing)

Download and Install the Following Softwares

After Installation of Jahnabi Multilingual tool

After Installation of Lachit Converter

Example with Adobe Photoshop CS6

Case A: Typing in Phonetic Style

  1. Click the Jahnabi Multi Lingual Tool icon from your Desktop.
  2. The default English language EN icon appears on your desktop
  3. Right click the ‘EN’ icon and select configurations.
  4. From the list of available keyboard layouts Select Jahnabi-PHONETIC. Then under modifier key and shortcut key select CONTROL + SPACE (you can use your own combination). Close the menu
  5. Now if you press Ctrl + Space bar then you will notice that the language toggles between EN and
  6. Now open Photoshop and create a new document and select the Text Tool.
  7. Change the language to Jahnabi Phonetic by pressing Ctrl + SPACE. NOTE that your default language in your TASK BAR at bottom will still show your system language ENG. Don’t get confused.
  8. Now if you type using the phonetic style of writing then you will see that the assamese characters are written but the juktakhyars যুক্তাক্ষৰ are not written properly because Photoshop or the video editing software’s does not properly render the Unicode Assamese fonts.
  9. Now open a text editor say MS-Word and type using the same phonetic style. In this case however, you will notice that all the assamese letters are properly getting typed.
  10. The point is now that first you must type all your assamese text in a Word File. Then open LACHIT Converter and copy paste the assamese text from your word file to the Text Area of Lachit converter. Select the option Unicode to Geetanjali ইউনিক’ডৰ পৰা গীতান্জলীলৈ and press convert. A success message will pop-up and the assamese text will get convereted into some random characters. Don’t worry.

Lachit Converter

After Pasting the text from Word Document

Lachit Converter

After clicking the Convert Button

11.Now copy those convereted text from Lachi Convereter and paste it in photoshop Text area. Photoshop will still not render the characters properly. Select all the text and change the font to Geetanjali in photoshop

Case B: Typing with conventional Inscript style.

If you prefer typing in the conventional inscript style then the process gets simplified for you. Lets take the same example with Adobe Photoshop CS6 64 bit

  1. Start the Jahnabi Multi Lingual Tool from your Desktop. Right click the EN icon and select ‘configurations’.
  2. From the list of available keyboard layouts Select Jahnabi-DIHING-ascii-ins-as.Then under modifier key and shortcut key select CONTROL + SPACE (you can use your own combination). Close the menu.
  3. Now if you press Ctrl + Space bar then you will notice that the language toggles between EN and
  4. Now open Photoshop and select TEXT Tool. Set font to Geetanjali and start typing with your keyboard.

Assamese Inscript Keyboard Layout (without SHIFT)

Assamese Inscript Keyboard Layout (with SHIFT)